Loving Thursdays...
YAY my school week is completely OVER!! Yesterday was so awesome because I actually got to go to sleep early, 10:30!!! I did however get woken up at 3:16am in the FREAKIN’ morning to my phone vibrating... yeah ok. The person shall remain nameless but if you read this, STOP calling me, I am SLEEPING like normal people, geez. I mean it takes me a whole two minutes to go back to sleep but STILL. Anyways, turns out that I’m off tomorrow which means I get to sleep in, however long that might be. I still have that problem with the sun BLAZING on my face every morning. I’ve always slept in a super dark room, so this window in my face thing is uhmm quite annoying. I got over that low test grade I got earlier this week because it turns out I got a 98 on another test so that exciting. I gave myself a day of watching TV and laying on my bed just doing nothing, this is a never, so I enjoyed that. Yesterday Marisol turned 22, yay for my chica!!! It’s so funny to realize that I’m looking at this blog and I don’t have drama going on, and this is because I’ve subtracted boys from my equation of Natalie’s life at the moment. Of course every time this happens, then chemistry takes place between a certain boy and myself and then it’s a cycle. Does anybody realize how pathetic this is? It is just a game... and knowing this of course I still play. And like most people, once you understand the rules of the game then you go crazy breaking them and in the process someone is bound to get hurt. And it only takes one time to be hurt to know that you will never be that person, so you don’t play too nice or give nice boys chances. Or is this just me??? I’ve realized that I think like a boy at times.... which uhmmm definitely is not a good thing for me. That’s all I’ll say about that. Feel free to post me with some comments and opinions. Later...